
Survey on employees status

Dear members.

We at Drífandi stéttarfélag need your help. We would like to ask you to participate in a short survey about your current situation. It will not take much of your time, and everyone who participates gets a chance to win a 40,000 ISK gift card.

The survey is conducted by Varða – Labour Market Research Institute, now for the fourth year in a row. The survey provides important information about the current situation in the labour market, especially regarding financial standing and health. The survey outcome will help us analyse the current situation among workers in Iceland, and help us fight for better living standards.

It only takes about 15 minutes to answer, and answers cannot be traced back to individual respondents. The questions relate to your financial standing, wellbeing, health, and housing market situation.

You should have received the survey by email. If not, contact our office or

Varða manages all aspects of this survey, from designing the questions, setting up and conducting the survey, and processing the outcomes.

  • The survey will be open for two weeks and can be completed through a mobile, a tablet or a computer.
  • The survey is available in three languages; Icelandic, English and Polish.
  • Three participants will win a 40,000 ISK gift card.
  • The survey opens on Thursday, 4 January, and will close on Wednesday, 17 January.
  • The survey is non-personally identifiable. Participants are invited to participate in a lottery through a separate link, and answers to the survey questions cannot be linked to participation in the lottery.

We encourage all our members to participate in the survey. Your input will help provide a broad outcome which will help us shape and support the labour movement’s cause.

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Ef þú heldur áfram að nota síðuna, þá gerum við ráð fyrir að þú samþykkir það.